Our service is for anyone who needs a private ambulance for any reason. Our network of providers is constantly expanding and we can cover the whole of the UK including repatriation back to your home country.

How does it work?

The process is very simple, think of it like comparing home or car insurance.

  • Create and account so that we know who you are and how to contact you
  • Tell us where you need collecting from, and where you need taking to
  • Let us know the date, if confirmed, or if not provide you best estimate on when you will require transport
  • We will relay your request to all network members that cover your area and carry any required certification
  • We notify you by email when you receive new quotes
  • You choose your preferred quote and we put you in touch with that provider to complete your request
  • All financial aspects of your journey are between you and the end provider from our network, we never charge you a penny.

How long does it take?

Creating your account only takes a minute, you will receive an email from us to confirm your address, then you are ready to go.

Requesting a quote from our network is also very rapid. Answer 5-10 quick questions and your ready to go.

We expect our network to monitor their accounts during work hours so they should start to respond to ‘jobs’ as soon as they come in. You should start to receive quotes within 1-2 hours of submitting your job, if not sooner.