News, hints & tips, helpful advice and our thoughts on everything in the world of Private Ambulance and Patient Transport Services...

When and why do you need a private ambulance or patient transport service?

Importantly, in an emergency situation you should ALWAYS dial 999. A private ambulance is NOT an emergency service. It can however take you to hospital, if the provider carries the required accreditation. Why? A private ambulance service may be suitable for many different people for many different reasons.  If you are not able to comfortably […]

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Do you want more clients for your patient transport business?

You COULD do your research, setup a digital ad account with the relevant target areas and spend limits, invest in SEO, undertake some traditional marketing and even put up a nice billboard sign outside your local hospital… OR you could let someone else do all of that for you! Watch our short explainer video below […]

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How much should a private ambulance cost? Can I afford it?

Unlike a taxi, there is no fixed rate governed by your local authority on how much a private ambulance journey should cost. With the Cost of Living increasing and inflation hitting a forty year high, it’s no wonder people are now looking for ways to save money and cut costs. This is not only a […]

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What is a private ambulance? What are patient transport services?

Essentially a private ambulance is similar to a taxi. But instead of a driver you have medically trained personnel, and instead of a normal cab you have a medically equipped vehicle. Booking a patient transport service will allow you to travel wherever you may need, while ensuring you are in the safe hands of a […]

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